We started the morning out bright & early with Darin making yummy buttermilk pancakes. Although, I couldn't eat any....
With a few last minute items added to the suitcases - hair dryer, flat iron, make-up - the bags were zipped up and we were off to the Colorado Springs Airport. I love living in a smaller city where the airport is never crowded! Bags checked in at 52 & 47 lbs. She's going to need to use a lot of shampoo & face wash in the next 6 weeks in order to get the extra books/study materials in she needs to take to Chile, just saying.... Girls never pack light! :o)
After a few pictures and lots of hugs it was time to say good-bye to our beautiful missionary, Sister Taylor, which she has always wanted to be called. :o)
I actually held it together quite well at the airport, only a few little tears. It was only after dropping
the kids off at school, coming home to find the sweet letter she left me, and seeing all of her "stuff" still laying around that I lost it. Thankfully, Darin hadn't left for work yet and while I sobbed, gave me that reassuring "she's going to be okay" hug that only he could give me. Despite my aching heart, I am so proud of her and the choice she has made to serve the Lord. She is in very good hands and now it's my job to trust that Heavenly Father will take excellent care of her while she serves. :o)