Holy cow, I cant believe another week has gone by. And this week marks my first six weeks... cambios are this week and I'm not going anywhere, but it is crazy that I have actually been here long enough for a whole cambio! Haha wow. LOCO! :) And this week itself was pretty crazy. Pero it was definitely an awesome week!
So first off, we had intercambios this week with the sister training leaders and since our apartment is the largest in the area, they stayed in our house for 3 days. Boy am I grateful that I only live with one compaƱera!! Haha. We had tons of fun together the 4 of us, but I will definitely admit it is harder to focus when there are four of you. It kind of felt like a big slumber party the whole time haha. Tons of food and laughs and such :) And the day of the actual intercambio when we were working with the other sisters, I learned so much! I had to lead my sector with the other hermana, and it was a bit intimidating, but I discovered that I can actually do it! I can lead the lessons and contacting without a problem, and people understand me! Woot woot! Haha naww, I knew that before but it was a nice confidence booster, Also, the hermana that I tracted with is so awesome! She has this amazing talent for talking with people about the gospel in a totally nonthreatening way, but at the same time has so much energy and enthusiasm. Every time she contacted it was something like... We have this awesome message in Jesus Christ that we want to share with you!!! It reminded me of prophets in the scriptures who couldn't be restrained, and gave me mas animo... because we really do have an incredible message to share and when we contact people we should say it like that! :) Aww man, basically I discovered you can learn a lot from other sisters and I am super excited for our next intercambio.
Other crazy thing this week was.... my birthday!!! Oh family.... you all are literally the BEST FAMILY IN THE WHOLE WORLD!!!! Ryan, Kris and kids included! Thank you so much for the package!!!! I LOVED all of it and it made my day!!!! But Mom, I just about cried when my leaders handed me my box and saw how much it cost haha. I cannot believe you spent that much!! You crazy generous loving woman! ;) I love you so much! And we had a little party just for you with all your cute decorations! Haha pictures attached. I need to explain that day though.... So because this week was fast Sunday we knew we couldn't celebrate Saturday night with comida so we partied Friday and Saturday instead haha. We decided to make cookies Friday night and open my package then, and then make brownies on Sunday. So Friday night was super crazy and we had tons of awesome lessons, but there was a huge storm and we got back completely soaked. Planned quickly and then tried to make the cookies fast so we would have time to eat them and open my present. Well, in the midst of this craziness (don't have much time in the night) the power went out in the huge storm!!! Haha luckily our oven is a gas oven so we were still able to cook the cookies, but we only had a tiny little candle and couldn't see very well. Entonces.... lets just say the cookies were a little over done because I couldn't see them and my poor compaƱera who has never had chocolate chip cookies ate crunchy ones for her first time. Bahaha. And then we opened up my package in the dark, taking pictures of everything to see what it was. Hahaha suffice it to say, it was a crazy night! But we had so much fun and laughed the whole time in the dark! And I LOVED my package!! Oh thank you so much! The Ensign and food and card and MUSIC and scarf... you all are the BEST!!! I love you so much!!!! Sunday night was a bit more organized, and we had an awesome party then too with all the decorations haha. Happy bday to me! :)
Okay, sorry this email is so random! I want to send pics and my mind is crazy right now haha. But just so you know we taught people this week too, It wasn't all fun and games ;) We are still working with all our investigators this week... William, Angela, Morelia, Fabian and all and getting them going. We had a couple awesome lessons with members and are just trying to keep helping their testimonies grow! Also, I love the members so much and our ward was so amazing yesterday. It is so incredible to watch their testimonies grow. I pretty much cried all during testimony meeting haha. It is amazing to hear the testimonies of the members, especially when you know a lot of their back stories. I am starting to love these people so much and admire their testimonies so much! The spirit was so strong in the ward yesterday and I remember just praying and wishing eternal life with their families for all of them! I know that this gospel is true and I know that families can be together forever and I feel so blessed to know that MY family is an eternal family. And I just feel so sad when I know they aren't doing the things they need to do to reach that goal. I feel like that is how Heavenly Father feels when we don't do the things we should to have eternal life. We have answers and gospel right in front of us and when we don't follow it I know He is overwhelmed with sadness because that is exactly how I feel when I see people I love not follow through with the knowledge that they have....
Family, obey the commandments!!!! Heavenly Father has given them to us not for His benefit, but for ours. And we cant do it without Him. Jesus Christ himself said in John 5:30 that He cant do anything without the Father. How much more then do we need His help?? But I know that when we do all we can and put all our faith and confidence in the Father and obey all his commandments, we will receive His divine help. I love the promises in Moroni 7:33 and John 15:10. That is all He wants for us... to be encircled in His love and receive eternal life :) All we have to do is do our part!! :)
I love you all so much and thank you all for the emails! Cant wait to read them, as always!!! :) And I loved the emails from last week! What an amazing experience for Ty and Jaden and ALL of you! I was grinning from ear to ear while reading that. I seriously feel so blessed to have you all for eternity!!! I love you so much and pray for you all everyday! More individuals next week when I have more time but I want to send pics this week so el fin! I love you all!!!!! Ryan Kris and family, you all too!!! Have a great week, do your part for Heavenly Father and keep the commandments! Eternal life is waiting! :)
Your Chilena,
Hna. Teeples
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